Take it for a spin for free. Upgrade once you love it.

Tripvector is made with love but we gotta eat.

For getting your toes wet
  • Up to 3 collaborators per trip
  • 30 places per trip
  • Ad supported
For the frequent traveler
  • Unlimited collaborators
  • Unlimited places per trip
  • Ad free


We include nearly all features in the free plan so you can get the full experience of Tripvector.

Breakdown of featuresFreePro
Smart day planner
Auto checks when activities are open as you drag and drop
Shareable links
Give your friends a headstart on their travel plans by sharing yours
Calculate walking times
10 calculations included per trip on the free plan
Collaborator activity
See who's viewed the trip, who still needs to vote, and get on the same page
Import your saved Google places
Save hours by automatically parsing all your Saved Places around the world
Tripvector discord
Talk with other obsessed travelers and get tips and ideas
Vote on what the next features will be
AMAs and chats directly with the founder and community to decide what will be built next

Questions & Answers

  • Yes, but currently in beta and only available through TestFlight on iOS. When you sign up you'll receive details on how to download it. It's super simple and only takes an extra minute.

  • Tripvector is powered by APIs that cost money. We have a fully featured free option for one trip a year to try it out. But for the obsessed travel planner, we hope you'll find it worth every penny.

  • Not exactly, but we're working on a Tripvector contributor program where you'll get access to the Planner tier through submitting guides and becoming a part of the Tripvector community.

  • Email us directly at hello@tripvector.io and we'll take care of it. Whether it's a quick tip or hopping on a Zoom to walk you through it, we got this.